My Travels in Australia


This shows a drive I did in 2001 (6 weeks on the road and 13,500km or about 7,500 miles) Many people don't realise how big Australia really is, I didn't until I drove it. The map below is authentic in regards to the comparative sizes, areas and distances. (The dotted line shows the places i visited on that trip, starting and ending at my home town Brisbane)


Here is a  map of Australia compared with Europe. Again, the scale is authentic. That's how big we really are



Yet another map. This  give another sense of perspective to the size of Australia. The dotted line shows my last drive (a short one only 3 weeks drive of  4,000 km (2300 miles) from Brisbane to Melbourne and back, but it was fun.

Note: Compare the size of good ole' Texas with my own state Queensland (outlined in white).
Without Texas the USA would be smaller than Australia.

Japan is much larger than I thought. 




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