Why are you here?



What do you wish for?
What do you dream might happen?
What would be the most wonderful, most exciting thing that you could get from this page and the visualisations and exercises suggested?

Do you really want to increase your self-awareness and self-empowerment? (it is your right to be more self-empowered if you want to be)

It is your choice when and how much self-empowerment you would like to have

It’s OK to have a trial first

Start with self-awareness – the tool.

* Self- awareness is adjustable but it is not reversible

* Self-empowerment is adjustable and it is reversible

In one year’s time …..

* How will you measure the real value of this work?

* What changes will you notice that have already taken place in your life?

* What will be better for you than it is now?

* What else will be different for you?

* What don’t you want to change?

Hands on self-awareness skills
You will learn how to :

* recognise how often it’s your body energies and feelings that control your life and your relationships

* use simple, safe and easy ways to create your own inner communication or dialogue and get to know your inner protector characters (inner selves).

* continue to make equally good use of ‘head’ things like logic and analysis (as a bonus …..)

*improve your life by bringing your energies and feelings back into the equation and using these to balance your "head" things.

How does self-awareness lead to self-empowerment?

* empowers you to protect your own inner child by yourself

* empowers you to keep on doing the work yourself

* you have it with you 24 hours a day

* it is about reality not about theories

* it is based on conversation, questioning and listening, everyday skills you already have

* everything you do helps you understand more about what you want to do next (the more it grows the more your your self-awareness keeps on growing )

* you now have a powerful tool for improving your relationships and resolving conflict , even the ‘heavy’ issues - power, control, money, sex, in-laws and children.

* you can heal your inner child's emotional pain arising from loneliness, grief or low self esteem (self-nurturing)

* once you have learned how, you can keep on increasing your self awareness and enhancing your self-empowerment, boundaries, moderation and reality skills, as often as you want to


What Self-Empowerment can do ..

*open up new choices, new options in your life and new ways to grow

* un-hitch yourself from those over-powerful inner protector characters and negative beliefs, the ones that cause so many problems in your life

* find realistic and practical ways to get past inner clamps, limits, blockages and repeated negative life patterns

* enjoy improved relationships at work and at home

* Help you understand (and balance BUT not get rid of) your less effective inner protector characters and core beliefs.

* discover that growing and changing can be enjoyable instead of difficult or even scary.

Now maybe it would be a good time to read Is it Safe to Change Here

Feedback - please e-mail  me John Bligh Nutting -   at   bligh4@growingaware.com

Copyright © John Nutting 1996- -   and   ©   GROWING AWARENESS   1996- All rights reserved World Wide   LAST UPDATE  Sunday, 07 February 2016 11:27

Don't worry about these copyright notices at the foot of each page. It just means I want to hang on to legal ownership of what I write for use in future books.  Until that day, please feel free to copy and even adapt them for your own use and for friends as long as you acknowledge me as the author and owner of the copyright and you don't charge anyone for them. If you want to use them professionally or commercially (charge a fee for them) or for clients, each sheet you hand out must include full acknowledgment of copyright ownership as above and if  you are benefiting as a result, I would appreciate an appropriate sharing.


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